Thursday, August 27, 2015

Viscosity Project (Fullsail)

For this project, it is a continuation on my water project, except this time I was adding a viscosity to the water and turning it into honey. If you haven’t read my paper on my water project, this is how I created the water. First I applied an emitter to a sphere in order to make it emit particles. As far as the settings I adjusted to make it look like water, I adjusted the particle separation to .015, which made the particles thicker, and adjusted my density to around 1000. On to the shader, I lowered the diffuse intensity to .078 to clear up the cloudiness, and I gave the diffuse to a blue that is on the edge of becoming white. And that was I when it came to the water project. Before I adjusted my water to look like honey, I created a simple bread slice in Maya, exported it as an obj, and brought it into Houdini. In Houdini I made it a static object so the liquid could collide with the bread. Also as far as lighting the scene I put one distant light facing the opposite way of my area light, which I used as a key light. So when I started making my honey from this emitter, the first thing I did was give the fluid a viscosity.  I rendered it out a few time in order to see if the fluid fell correctly.  I ended up settling on a viscosity of about 1300 because it looked close to like honey. I also animated the emitter so that it was being pulled up which give it a wavy effect as it was making contact. Now I went and messed with the shader. I boosted up the refraction intensity and give it a golden honey color. This made it so that the fluid was golden yellow that had a slight refraction of the surrounding environment, which in this case was just my bread. I really only affect the color when it came to the reflections. For the reflections I turned it into a slightly brighter yellow than my refraction, this brighten up my fluid as it fell before contact.  I threw on a few final renders and realized that my render color was darker than what I saw as it was rendering. So I then took it into nuke and adjusted the gamma so it looked like how I saw as it was rendering. That was it. I think that it turned out really well. I believe it looks like honey and it acts like honey.  The one thing I wish I added was a better texture for the bread instead of a plain clay texture.

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